Monday, May 31, 2010

Eat like its the Stone Age...

It's been a while since I last posted. I've been so busy with my clients and working on the new and improved website, that I've only been updating our Facebook page (which by the way is averaging over 300 hits per week - thank you!). After some much needed rest this Memorial Day weekend, that I spent with my family I am feeling energized and more motivated than ever to help people get healthy. Remember, healthy people are happy, and generally speaking most happy people are healthy.

There is a great, concise article in the May/June issue of 'Psychology Today' entitled, "The Way Were' which outlines how are Paleolithic ancestors ate and why our diets should mimic theirs. If I sent you my health and nutrition doc a few weeks ago, this article reinforces most of my bullet points. This whole issue has... alot of great info, and is def worth buying.

Here is an excerpt from the article;
"Increasingly, scientists believe that our bodies are metabolically adapted to what our Stone Age ancestors ate. Our genetic makeup has scarecly changed. Nearly all the genes and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms we carry today were selected for behaviorally modern humans who appeared in Africa between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago... The dietary and lifestyle differences between then and now account for most of our chronic diseases and cancer."

Don't forget to get ample amounts of sleep and quiet time. I lead a very healthy life. I eat right for my metabolic type. I get plenty of exercise. Drink more thank a half ounce of water for every pound of bodyweight etc etc. Yet, before this weekend full of rest, my mind and body was suffering from working too many hours and 18 days straight. I feel so much better just from getting 8 hours a night and relaxing.

Train with purpose. Live with purpose.

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