Thursday, May 5, 2011


Our muscles work best when they're supplied with the right amount of nutrients and fluids and are neither over -nor - under exerted. When this isn't the case, 'knots' (myofascial trigger points ) will form and cause pain on the 'knot' and spread over the body. The pain easily spread throughout the body, because our body's connective tissue basically looks like a wetsuit with a hood - connecting everything from the bottom of your toes to the top of you head.

Studies have shown that the tissue in these knots contain an unusually high amount of certain proteins that prevent the affected muscles from moving properly.

The are a number of techniques used to help alleviate the pain : massage, trigger point therapy with special balls and rollers, acupuncture etc. I've spent a decent amount of time learning some of these techniques in order release myofascial trigger points. It is especially important for desk jockeys who want to train hard in the gym, take the time either learn how to release these 'knots' or pay someone trained to work out the knots for them. The trigger points not only limit mobility and cause pain, but they also effect blood flow around the knots.

I always tell people, 'The harder you train, the more attention you have to pay to rest, recovery and bodywork '.

For more information or to arrange a free trigger point release session, email me : .

Take care of yourselves.

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