Sunday, March 14, 2010

stop waiting...

until your car or home is paid off
until you get a new car or home
until your kids leave the house
until you go back to school
unti you finish school
until you lose 10 lbs
until you gain 10 lbs
until you get married
until you get divorced
until you have kids
until you retire
until summer
until spring
until fall
until winter
until you die

You will never be at a loss for excuses not to start now.
But, deep down inside of you, there is a desire for change that is
far more compelling to set a goal, change, grow and succeed.

If you don't get started now, years from now you make look back at this time in your life and regret your choice to not seize the day, and to not pursue starting on the path to a better you.

Every great ending, starts with a choice to begin.