Paraphrased from Paul Chek's life-changing book,'How to Eat, Move and be Healthy'.
1.) Try to get to bed by no later than 1030pm. Your body physically repairs itself between the hours of 10pm and 2am, and psychologically repairs itself between the hours of 2am and 6am - so get to bed and get your 8 hrs- DVR will serve you well. Repair hormones won't be released if you are awake during these times.
2.) Minimize your exposure to bright lights, for at least two hours prior to going to bed. If you don't have a light-dimmer, use lamps with low wattage light-bulbs, or even candles.
3.) Make your bedroom as dark as possible.
4.) Avoid the consumption of stimulants (such as caffeine, sugar and nicotine) after lunch. Be particularly mindful of desserts and alcohol consumption on weeknights.
5.) Eat right for your metabolic type. (Most Americans of European decent are Protein MB types).
6.) Drink plenty of water. Our bodies have very little water reserve, and once dehydrated, the body responds as though it's experiencing stress. If your body is stressed it produces stress hormones, which are awakening hormones.
7.) EXERCISE!!!!
8.) Try unplugging all electrical appliances in your bedroom. This will help make your bedroom darker and also help keep the electrical currents from affecting your natural biorythms.