Lately I've been designing a lot of programs for people that have limited equipment and time.
Peoples' most common excuses for not working with a fitness professional are: not enough time and not enough money. I want to help people realize that you don't need much of either in order to get a good workout program that will help you reach your fitness goals and get you healthy. Even if you live in a small apartment and work two jobs to support your family, you can find time for an exercise program that will burn calories,make improvements in cardiovascular health and develope overall strength.
Here is a quick sample of a routine that will accomplish the three fitness goals mentioned above:
Burpee Chain:
You can do this one right in your living room. If you'd like you can also get outside and get some fresh air, and do this in a park.
* Perform 30 seconds of jumping jacks followed by 30 seconds of seal jacks.
* Immediately go into doing a burpee with a pushup at the bottom and squat jump at the top.
* Now repeat with two pushups and two squat jumps.
* Then do 3 and 3.
* Add reps each time until you get to 10 pushups and 10 jumps.
* Then perform 10 walkout planks with an anterior reach.
* Rest until you are breathing normally.
* Start over again at one.
* Do as many circuits as you can in a 20 minute span (or 30 if you have the time).
If you don't know how to perform these movements, thats why its important to hire a professional ( cough, me, cough )to come to your house or meet you in a park at least once every two weeks to show you a program that you can use for the following 2 week span.
For many, money is an issue. I get that. I also know for a fact, that cutting back on getting coffee at Starbucks and buying $8 beers will help you generate the $80- $100 needed to work with me. By cutting back in areas such as going out for food and drinks, not only will you save money, but you will also be cutting out a significant amount of empty calories - it's a win - win.