I wanted to add just a few more factoids to impress upon you the importance of GI health. As I just mentioned, intestnal health plays an important role in weight loss and energy levels, but perhaps more importantly 80% of your immune system is reliant of GI tracts ability to function properly.
Because of the low quality of foods in our grocery stores- foods loaded with perservatives and other chemicals that don't easily pass through our systems- most Americans intestinal walls are covered with a thick layer of shit. I use the word, 'shit' both literally and figuretively. This layer of shit not only causes your belly to be bloated, but it is incredibly detrimental to your immune system.
You see, when there is a layer of what essentially acts as spackel on your intestines, the nutrients from the food you eat cannot readily be absorbed into your blood steam. So after years of eating pre-packaged foods and foods loaded with perservatives, and accumulating this spackle - how much good do you think that salad you just ate is doing? Ill answer for you- not all that much good.
Think that multivitamin you take every morning is getting you all the antioxidants you need to be healthy? Well consider this, regardless of your intestinal health, 70% of that vitmain will be passed undigested through your system. Now factor in the fact that you most likely have a half inch of shit gunking up your pipes... that vitamin probably isnt going to cut it, now is it. Bottom line, get your nutrients from real, whole, organic foods.
I am not anti-vitamin by any means, but you do need to get clear on the how little it actually helps you, especially if you arent taking care of you intestinal.
If you follow the simple tips that I laid out in my last blog post, you will be on your way not only improving intestinal health, but improving the quality of your life. I can absolutely guarantee that.
For more information, please do not hesitate to email me. This is my passion. All that I want to do, is help as many people as possible.
Train. Eat and live with purpose.