It's the holiday season and time to celebrate and reflect upon what we've accomplished in 2011. When you take the time to think about what positive steps you've taken in your life, do you feel proud or do you feel like another year has passed you by.
Our country is still suffering through a terrible recession which makes it very difficult for companies to give raises & bonuses and its even more difficult for those who are unhappy at their job to find new employment. When you really think about your life, its easy to think that you have little control over most areas of your life. One of the things that you do control is your health, and with improved health, so many other areas of your life are vastly improved.
Most people have an general idea of what shit food is and that exercise is vital to living a long, healthy, productive life. So why are we the fattest country in the world - even though we are in a much better financial position than the majority of the world? Why are diseases like Type II diabetes and heart disease running rampant when the barely existed 100 years ago? Books have been written about such topics - my simple is answer to these questions : In general, Americans don't feel very good about themselves. Think about this, when you have guests over to your house you clean it and make it look as nice as possible. People buy nice cars to create favorable impressions on others, we do the same thing with clothes and so many other material things.
Let me ask you this now, what is better representation of yourself than your own body? Your personality of course, but not everyone that sees you gets to know you. When you go on an interview or a first date, what is the first thing that people notice? Your appearance. Your appearance tell a lot about a person. We're all guilty of it. When you see a big guy with a fake tan and tons of hair gel wearing his little sister's tee shirt - what is your initial impression of that person. Is that a person that you want to sit down and have a chat with? Conversly, when you see a yoga instructor that is lean and healthy looking giving off a positive vibe and has great energy - you want to talk to them, ask them how they got so fit, find out some of their secrets to health and happiness.
Read any book or article about success and achieving goals and you will read about the importance of mentors and surrounding yourself with people who already have success in the areas in which you are seeking success. This is where health and fitness professionals come into play - not doctors, if you're seeing a doctor, you're already sick. Working with a health professional, helps keep you out of the doctor's office.
Going to the gym, making smart diet choices, these are signs to yourself and the world that you respect yourself and you make choices to honor yourself. Compulsive eating and drinking are bandaid on feeling bad - and as you know, make you feel worse about yourself long term.
Making the right choices in regards to diet and exercise take some time and effort. There is plenty of free information on the internet and books, but if you're one the people who say, "I want to go to the gym, but just don't have the time" then chances are you're not going to spend the time doing research on how to take control of your health - it is a lot to sort through.
I have some great rates and a number of packages available for the new year, I hope that you consider making the investment in yourself.
Online program design, nutrition consulting, and 30 day meal plan : $200
10 personal training sessions in Hoboken : $750 - for January only
10 personal training sessions in NYC : $850 - for January only
* All personal training packages include nutrition consulting and diet outline.