When you look around at our environment, do you generally consider it serene, clean and healthy? My guess is no.
And if you watch a movie like, "Food Inc." or spend some time on www.mercola.com and www.westinaprice.org, it will become quite evident how disgusting our food supply is.
Is it really a surprise how sick people are in this country? Our planet is sick. Our population is sick.
100 years ago, the majority of diseases we are dealing with today and spending trillions of dollars to "treat" or "cure" DID NOT EXIST just 100 years ago.
What do you suppose would happen if even a fraction of the money wasted on vaccines for swine flu, bird flu and cures for cancer that never seem to come, was spent on funding organic farming and cleaning up our horribly polluted waters?
Healthy planet. Healthy humans.
You owe it to yourself and your planet to educate yourself on our food supply and the process in which it is created in biochemical laboratories. If you live a healthy life, you will look, move and feel better... and most of all you will be fulfilling your moral obligation to Mother Earth.