I am constantly stressing the importance of eating the proper balance of macronutrients and eating right for metabolic type. People that consume a Western diet eat far too many processed carbs and refined sugars and not nearly enough high quality animal products (proteins). When you eat right for your metabolic type, it improves internal functions, and thus strengthens your immune system. As a result, you can worry less about eating high levels of many fruits and vegetables - which are simple carbohydrates - and fruits are high in sugar, albeit naturally occurring sugars.
If you observe Lent and the rule that asks that you don't eat meat on Fridays, then you may need some sources for protein, so here you go ...
Seafood : catfish, cod, flounder haddock, halibut, perch, scrod, sole, trout, tuna, turbot
Dairy : cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, yogurt, eggs
Legumes (use sparingly) : dried beans, lentils tempeh, tofu
Nuts (dont go overboard) - RAW.
Some people also take this time to do some fasting, which is a good way to cleanse the body if done properly. If you have never done a fast before, I suggest that you don't totally starve yourself, and that you allow yourself to eat a few pieces of fruit and several handfuls of raw nuts - and A LOT of water. If you are interested in doing a safe and effective cleanse now, or at any point in the year, please email or call me for info about the cleanse I designed - I will put you in touch with one or more of my clients that have done it with great success.
And rather than giving something up for Lent, consider doing something that will help fulfill you emmotional and bring joy to the people that really matter to you.
I encourage you all to take this journey with me and really add value to your life, and the lives' of others.
Here is how it works:
Week 1 'The Hand of Love' : Write a letter or email a day to a friend, near or far away (not relatives). Tell someone how much you appreciate him or her.
Week 2 'The Voice of Love' : Call 2 or 3 people each day for a short chat to say what they mean to you, or to say 'thank you' or 'I'm sorry'. Call people you have intended to for a long time, but have been putting off.
Week 3 'The Deed of Love': Take something you have made or bought to 2 or 3 friends who mean something to you, but for whom you rarely express your love - some food, some pictures of you together, a plant etc - something that will be a rememberance of you.
Week 4 'The Heart of Love': Make a list of at least 10 people for whom you will pray for daily. Include friends, enemies and people whom you don't care for. Forgive them if they have wronged you, and ask forgiveness if you have wronged them.
Week 5 'The Mind of Love': Use this week to pray for yourself and look inward. Read the book of John. Go to Church during the week to meditate in the presence of God.
Week 6 'The Victory of Love': This is the week of celebration. God's love for us is revealed in many ways. Get outdoors and breathe in the Spring air and enjoy the turning of seasons, and all of Mother Nature. Have friends over for dinner. Let your life be filled with joy and abundance of faith.
I hope you read this with an open mind and do something great for yourself and other over the next 40 days.
God bless.