What differentiates Greg from other trainers is the great rapport that he establishes with his clients while providing them with a personalized and effective training. Greg is successful in doing this because of who he is and what he believes in. From my experience and interaction with Greg, I believe that guiding others on how to best maintain and lead a healthy life is Greg’s passion and not his job.
I first heard of Greg through a friend of mine who was training with him at the same health club/gym that I belonged. I at the time had been actively working out at the gym on a daily basis but it seemed that I had reached a plateau in my workouts. I was not seeing results anymore despite keeping up with my routines. I ran everyday for 30 minutes and combined it with weight training. But, something was not working with all that gym time! I had already done several sessions in the past with a few trainers. Therefore, I was a bit reluctant to go down that path again.
Meanwhile my friend would keep telling me about how his sessions with Greg were so effective and that Greg came across as a genuine, down-to- earth person with a good sense of humor. Form was vital as my friend would keep saying to me based on what he learned. Since I was part of the same gym where Greg trained my friend, I decided to observe Greg with his clients. I noticed that he was very attentive towards his trainees, guiding and speaking to them about the routine that he had assigned. These aspects about a trainer seemed conducive towards an efficient session to me. I am aware of how other trainers just assign a workout and stand there counting the reps; to them I feel, training is a job that pays the bill and a client is a means to that end. So, combined with the positive feedback from my friend and my observation I decided to give formal training another try and signed up for a few sessions with Greg. What came out of those sessions was all the information and direction that I needed to see results and the small changes in lifestyle that I had to make to support my results.
Greg is a world of knowledge when it comes to physical training and what one needs to do to ensure that he/she is training the RIGHT way. He is incredibly personable and you will feel completely at ease in his company. I improved on my cardio and weight training while strengthening/stabilizing my core and fixing my form defects. My nutritional pattern needed a fix too as I was not eating enough and I learned to value the effectiveness and importance of warm up routines!
So, it is not about going to the gym everyday and eating less. It is about going to the gym and spending quality time in doing the right things in the proper way for the appropriate number of reps. And then going back home to ensure that you are eating and drinking enough of the right things. Greg helped me to see that and it was nice to work with someone with such a refreshing personality and a positive attitude towards life!"