Fungus and Parasites:
1.) Have you ever been given general anesthesia?
yes (10)
no (0)
2.) Have you ever taken antibiotics?
yes (10)
no (0)
3.) Have you been or are you being treated for any condition requiring that that you take medical drugs.
yes (10)1
no (0)
4.) In general, are your bowel movements loose, hard or foul smelling?
yes (10)
no (0)
5.) Would you consider your life to:
stress free (0)
mildly stressful (5)
very stressful (10)
6.) Do you currently suffer from any digestive disorder or frequently have pain in the region above or below the navel?
yes (10)
no (0)
7.) Do mercury amalgam fillings in your mouth?
yes (10)
no (0)
8.) Do you have two different kinds of metal in your mouth; i.e gold and silver or mercury amalgam and gold and silver?
yes (5)
no (0)
9.) Do you experience itching in the ears, nose or rectum area?
yes (10)
no (0)
10) Do you have or have you had dandruff in the past?
yes (10)
no (0)
11.) Do you regularly eat or drink products containing sugar, white flour, processed dairy products?
yes (5)
no (0)
12.) Do you crave sugar, fruit or milk if you don't have either of these items for more than 3 days ?
yes (10)
no (0)
13.) Do you find that regardless of how much you eat you get hungry quicky?
yes (5)
no (0)
14.) In the past year, have you experienced athletes foot (itching around the toes or heel of the foot)
jock itch or a fungal infection under a toenail?
yes (20)
no (0)
15.) Do you ever get a reddening around the mouth or nose area after eating or drinking?
yes (5)
no (0)
16.) Do you experience muscle or joint aches on a regular basis?
yes (5)
no (0)
17.) Do you exxperience mood swings
yes (10)
no (0)
18.) Do you snack on sweets or drink coffee, soda or sports drinks most days to keep your energy up?
yes (10)
no (0)
19.) Do you suffer from any kind of skin condition?
yes (10)
no (0)
20.) Have you ever had sex or close contact with anyone who you know had a fungal infection (including jock it, athletes foot dandruff) or a parasite
infection? Or dogs with parasites in your bed.
yes (20)
no (0)
if you score high on the questionnaire - then you probably have parasites - contact me immediately for steps to take to get rid of them.